
LearnDash 4.2 is Here


One of the best things about learndash is its frequent updates, Recently Learndas has released version 4.2.0 with some major features updates and bug fixes.

LearnDash 4.2 is Here

Here is a summary Directly from Leanrdash

Features in Learndash 4.2.0:

  • Added course cloning allowing you to easily duplicate a course and steps within that course
  • Added bulk editing allowing you to change settings values for a course/group based on certain parameters
  • Added Razorpay as an additional payment processor
  • Added purchase invoice email functionality that allows your users to receive a purchase invoice upon buying a course/group
  • Added drip content support for all step types, now topics and quizzes can also be dripped


  • Updated sample indicator on lessons to not display for already enrolled users
  • Updated messaging to show alert to complete the previous step when on a sample lesson for a logged-in user
  • Updated personal data export to include quiz attempts
  • Updated Spotlight video to support autoplay, pause on on focus and resume settings
  • Updated styling improvements on the checkout registration process
  • Updated next/previous course navigation buttons to be centered on mobile devices


  • Fixed lesson topic listing not respecting per page setting
  • Fixed issue creating steps in API
  • Fixed issue with a passed quiz not completing a lesson if the ‘Click here to continue’ button is not clicked at end of quiz
  • Fixed clicking ‘Start Quiz’ button forcing a scroll to the top of the page
  • Fixed not being able to disconnect Stripe Connect if account is deleted in Stripe
  • Fixed allowing student to mark a step as complete if any sub steps are not marked as completed
  • Fixed ld_course_info block not displaying properly on front end view versus the editor
  • Fixed importing a quiz with 0% passing score set not remaining at 0%
  • Fixed tooltip display issue in course content step listing for mobile devices
  • Fixed oEmbed videos not rendering correctly in quiz correct/incorrect messages
  • Fixed reports not getting correct data when empty values exist
  • Fixed being able to mark a course as complete without passing a lesson quiz
  • Fixed course purchase success email not being sent when using Stripe Connect
  • Fixed quiz save/resume breaking when certain characters are contained in correct/incorrect messages
  • Fixed registering LearnDash custom post types before loading REST data
  • Fixed flushing rewrite rules on every request if permalink settings not saved
  • Fixed clickable calendar icons on drip steps in Focus Mode
  • Fixed payment processor filter in transactions listings
  • Fixed nested unordered list display
  • Fixed content tabs to have unique ID values
  • Fixed updating group progress calculation when manually marking a course as complete
  • Fixed not linking to comments if Assignments custom post type is not public
  • Fixed course_content expand all button not expanding content when course_content shortcode is displayed elsewhere on the page
  • Fixed user not being enrolled to a group when Buy Now price is set to empty or 0
  • Fixed showing challenge exam if course prerequisites have not been met
  • Fixed accessing Assignments custom post type by URL
  • Fixed accessing Essay custom post type by URL
  • Fixed passed quiz redirect logic to proceed to next incomplete step

That’s all in Learndash 4.2.0 update. If you need any consultation related to learndash book a free call.


Picture of Mubashir taqi

Mubashir taqi

Mubashir Taqi stands as a top-rated Freelancer developer, bringing to the table an expansive 6+ years of expertise. His specialization lies in crafting exceptional Membership and LMS sites, amalgamating innovation with functionality. With a commitment to excellence and a keen eye for detail, Mubashir continues to elevate the digital landscape with his unparalleled skills and dedication.

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