Learndash 4.0 What’s Inside First Beta


Recently Learndash has announced the beta version of Learndash 4.0 which comes with a lot of new features but few of the design customizations. You can expect great improvement In the quiz and reporting sections in learndash 4.0. we have listed down a few of the features announced by the Learndash team.

LearnDash 4.0 sets us on a path. Learning Paths to be more specific.

Learndash 4.0 Challenge Exams

In this release, Challenge Exams form the core experience allowing a user to test out of a course by proving their existing knowledge.
The challenge exam allows the users to skip the course entirely by attempting the short exam, suppose for the moment you are learning web development and you have a really good grip over PHP, so you can skip the PHP course by taking the challenge exam. This makes sure that user knows their stuff.

Quiz engine

Underlying challenge exams are the basis of our new quiz engine that utilizes Gutenberg to make it easier than ever to create exams. All challenge exams are created using this engine (other quizzes are still made in the same way you’re used to).

Alongside Challenge Exams Learndash is introducing a raft of new blocks, namely;


(this is the course info bar that displays relevant information such as course status, price, etc). Learndash has converted all widgets to now have blocks as well.

These new blocks will allow you more than ever to build out custom pages as you want in Gutenberg (The Block Editor) without being limited by strict templates.

Onboarding Wizard

Next up the core of this release includes Learndash’s new Onboarding Wizard. This isn’t in beta 1 but be on the lookout for beta 2. The wizard makes it easier than ever to get started with LearnDash and simplifies the onboarding.


Last but by no means least is Stripe, which is now included in LearnDash core so that you no longer need to utilize the Stripe add-on. Not only that but the core Stripe integration uses Stripe Connect allows you to set up your payment gateway with a button click.

This all information is gathered from Learndash’s Social media team and notifications.

You can log in to your learndash Account and Download the First beta version of Learndash 4.0

Picture of Mubashir taqi

Mubashir taqi

Mubashir Taqi, founder of LMS Crafter, is an eLearning specialist with 6+ years of expertise in building scalable Membership and LMS platforms. A trusted LearnDash and Storyline expert, he helps coaches and course creators launch impactful online learning solutions.

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